You must have heard about UI/UX design in the making of websites or mobile apps. But, do you know the difference between UI and UX? Or have you ever wanted to know about it? 

If yes, then you are at the right place. 

This article is the ultimate beginners’ guide. You will get to know the basic difference between UI and UX design. You will also get to know the need for UI and UX while making any website or mobile application.

UI vs. UX
UI vs. UX

What are UI and UX designs?

The full form of UI is the User Interface, and of UX is User Experience. Both UI and UX are important for designing products like a website or mobile applications.

To design these products, the designers need to work elaborately on UX and UI. So let’s see in detail and know more about the major distinction between UI and UX design. 

Need for UX Design

Before jumping into the difference between UI and UX, let us first understand them separately.

User experience design (popularly known as UX design) is a multidimensional theory that includes many methods, including human and computer communication, usage, visual layout, data structure, and communication design.

UX design is needed to improve the loyalty and satisfaction of the customer and allow them to interact with the product easily. Therefore, it is advisable to enhance the user experience of your website. Moreover, UX designing also provides detailed information to the customers about your website. 

It is an advanced approach that analyzes all the characters of a website, keeping the consumer’s view in mind. The best UX design must include the purpose, excellence, convenience, and usability of a website.

It is for people who want to learn and grow more in their careers. It requires a team of product managers, user researchers, information architects, content strategists, and interaction designers. All these hard-working professionals work together towards building an extraordinary user experience. You can get user experience knowledge by doing a UI/UX design course.

Understanding UI Design

A website or a mobile app should be easy to use but it should also look good in order to attract customers. This is where UI designing steps in.

User Interface (or UI) design is involved with the visual components of a website and mobile application. It includes the layout of written content, pictures, buttons, symbols, and various other visual experiences a consumer will observe and communicate with.

The essential role of UI design is to gain the user’s attention and eventually persuade him/her to interact with a website or mobile app openly and easily. Therefore, UI designers always utilize customer-centric designs to achieve greater traffic or sales. For this reason, it is important that the website or the mobile application must give an awesome look and feel to the customers in order to attract them.

Apart from UI/UX Design, you can also choose from different design and marketing courses to enhance your professional skills.

UI vs. UX Design | Difference between UI and UX

difference between UI and UX
Difference between UI and UX

In simple words, UI/UX design is all about making the consumer and product interaction easier and flawless as much as possible.

To attain more knowledge on UI and UX design, let us understand the difference between UI and UX design since we know what both are used for.

Let’s get started with a few major differences between UI and UX design and how they play a vital role in website and application development.

The major difference between UI and UX Design are as follows:

1. Distinctive focus

One of the most remarkable differences between UI and UX designers is that both UI and UX designers use different prototyping. Most User Interface designers consider a prototype that holds compound patterns. Whereas UX designers have distinctive opinions and focus more on concept and logic.

In simple words, a UI designer’s role is to work on the front end and pay complete attention to the design part. Whereas UX designers focus totally on the backend and pay attention to the consumer experience.

2. The Use of Colors

The second difference between UI and UX design is. UI designers create a prototype design with the brand’s color theme, font, size, and much more. Whereas UX designers usually use only three colors while designing the prototype, and these colors are black, white, and grey.

These differences between UI and UX design can be observed generally while using icons. UI designers focus more on designing a realistic picture. They work on minute details to get a picture of what they are planning to offer. However, the UX designers do not make realistic designs but write notes with a demo picture.

3. Tools they work on

Last but not least differences between UI and UX design. The roles of UI and UX designers vary a lot. So, the difference in roles clearly states the difference in tools used. UI Designers focus more on designing colorful images and making realistic designs. Therefore the tools for UI design are Flinto and Principle. These tools are used for making sketches and have several advantages. InVision is additionally a possibility, and the team unity operation presents it as an ambitious alternative.

UX designers on the other hand use a tool called a wireframe. It conserves time and creates effective designs. There are loads of adequate prototyping tools such as Mockplus, and Balsamiq. They include styling options, and the last tool is Axure with complex functionalities. Mockplus has an added advantage, it has many ways to test and preview ongoing projects. It is extraordinarily helpful during the testing of the projects.

This was the third major difference between UI and UX design.

You can learn each and every concept of UI and UX by doing a UI/UX design course.


UI and UX design are both equally important in the making of a website or a mobile application. But they are like totally different worlds. 

Which one do you like the most? Which do you think will make you interested in designing?

You can also choose from many design and marketing courses here.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact us by filling out the form. We will be glad to hear from you.